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What are your fees?

When it comes to processing crypto payments, there are two types of fees to consider: service fees and network fees (gas fees).

Service Fees. NOWPayments’ service fee is fixed:

  • 0.5% for payments without exchange
  • 1% for multi-currency payments, Fixed rate payments and “fee paid by user” payments.

Network Fees. Every blockchain transaction requires a network fee (gas fee) that depends on factors such as the blockchain itself, its current workload, and the speed of processing.The amount of the network fee is not fixed, and unlike the service fee, it does not represent a specific percentage of the transaction amount.

Here’s how it works during payment processing.

If you use the non-custodial flow:

  • Your client makes a deposit and pays a network fee.
  • We process the payment, charge the NOWPayments service fee, and make the payout to your wallet, incurring a network fee for both steps.

If you use Custody feature:

  • Your client makes a deposit with a network fee.
  • We process the payment, charge the NOWPayments service fee, and send it to your custody balance, incurring one network fee for processing.

Understanding these fees is essential for businesses looking to process crypto payments with NOWPayments, ensuring transparency and clarity in payment processing.

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