Integrate NOWPayments
Crypto Payment Gateway

Unlock the full potential of your e-commerce business with our crypto payment gateway. Accept Bitcoin on your e-commerce store and increase your market reach. Start accepting crypto today and lead the digital transformation in your industry.

Integrate NOWPayments <span></span><br/> Crypto Payment Gateway
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Integrate NOWPayments <span></span><br/> Crypto Payment Gateway


Explore the Benefits of NOWPayments Crypto Payment Gateway

<span>Broader </span>Market Access

Broader Market Access

Broader Market Access

E-commerce businesses can tap into a global market, opening up new audiences and potentially boosting loyalty and conversions.

<span>Lower </span>fees

Lower fees

Lower fees

Cryptocurrency transactions often have lower fees, sometimes as low as 0.5%, compared to credit card companies that charge between 2-4%.

<span>Enhanced </span>Anonymity

Enhanced Anonymity

Enhanced Anonymity

Shoppers can buy items without giving up their personal information, which can appeal to privacy-conscious consumers.

<span>Advanced </span>security

Advanced security

Advanced security

Security for both retailers and customers, as blockchain technology reduces fraudulent activities and the risk of chargebacks.

<span>Fast </span>Transactions

Fast Transactions

Fast Transactions

Crypto payments offer almost instant settlements, allowing for a seamless checkout process for e-commerce business consumers.

<span>Marketing </span>Opportunities

Marketing Opportunities

Marketing Opportunities

Increased lead quantity and improved marketing ROI by optimizing customer segmentation.

Custom Solutions for E-commerce

API Integrations

Elevate your e-commerce store with our straightforward crypto payments API. Designed for seamless integration, our crypto API enables you to accept 300+ cryptocurrencies, including fiat, - fast and easy.
  • Free and fast setup
  • Low fees (0.5% per transaction)
  • Auto coin conversions
  • Fiat onramp and fiat withdrawals
  • Customizable according to your needs
Start leveraging the power of crypto for e-commece today!
API Integrations
API Integrations


Expand your payment options effortlessly with our versatile crypto plugins.
  • Easy set-up, takes takes just several hours!
  • Compatible with major e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento and more
  • Accept 300+ cryptocurrencies quickly and securely
  • Сater to a global audience
Get started now and stay ahead in the competitive digital marketplace!

See how it’s done in numbers

99.99% Availability Percent
10 min Accident Warning Time
350 ms Response Time

Bonus features

Fiat Settlements
Accept cryptocurrency payments and seamlessly convert them into fiat currency, providing flexibility and convenience for your business.
Fiat Settlements
Fixed Rate
Ensure stable pricing with fixed-rate cryptocurrency transactions.
Fixed Rate
Customizable Fees
Tailor transaction fees to meet your specific business needs.
Customizable Fees
Customizable Checkout
Customize your checkout process to match your brand's aesthetic and optimize the user experience for your customers.
Customizable Checkout

Globally trusted

Our mission is to foster the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies by providing a trusted and seamless platform. With the trust of thousands of partners from around the world, we are dedicated to contributing to the widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies.
Join us NOW!
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Discover a world of possibilities with our e-commerce solution. Contact us now and join the ranks of satisfied partners.

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