Crypto payments
for your Marketplace
Enable crypto payments for your eCommerce platform and start accepting deposits in over 300+ cryptocurrencies.

What you get with NOWPayments
Discover the advantages of using NOWPayments for your marketplace
Lowest fees on the market
Lowest fees on the market
Start with a 0.5% deposit fee and withdraw funds without service charges. Flexible fee settings let your users handle the costs.
Widest range of assets
Widest range of assets
Accept deposits from customers in over 300 crypto assets and 25+ traditional fiat currencies.
Fast and easy onboarding
Fast and easy onboarding
Experience the convenience of a quick and easy set-up of a flexible solution with no initial investments.
24/7 Support
24/7 Support
During the integration process and beyond, our support team and your personal manager are always available to provide assistance.
Ready-to-use solution
Ready-to-use solution
Leverage a comprehensive solution that covers your entire financial flow, including deposit acceptance, fund withdrawal, currency conversions, and more.
Top transaction speed
Top transaction speed
The average payment duration stands at 5 minutes, with no chargebacks or refunds unless initiated by you.
The easiest way to your success
Combine crypto and fiat

Use one solution for all your needs

in numbers
Go the extra mile
Globally trusted
Join us NOW!