Start accepting stablecoin payments with NOWPayments
Create an account
Sign up for an account and add a payout wallet. The process is quick, easy, and free.
Choose payment tool
Choose payment tool that suits your business best
Set stablecoins in сoin settings
Provide your customers with stability, security, and efficiency
Start accepting payments
Share your payment tool with customers, and watch your business grow.
Enjoy the benefits 🎉
Congratulations, you’re now part of the crypto revolution!

Make mass payouts in stablecoins with NOWPayments
Sign Up or log in
Create and set up your account, activate Custody.
Upload a list of recipients
Make an API request or upload a ready-made CSV file to your dashboard with all your crypto payout details - assets, addresses and payout amounts
Enjoy immediate payouts 🎉
Transactions will be processed right away