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Instant payouts is how we don’t even touch your money

Instant payouts is how we don’t even touch your money

No one likes when their assets are held by someone else. If you earn money, you want it to go to you right away — without hanging around anywhere in between. This is what we do at NOWPayments with the instant payout system: when a customer pays you, the money goes from their crypto wallet right into your wallet. Automatically. With no extra clicks.Some crypto payment services find it convenient to hold the merchants’ funds after their customers pay them. For whatever reason they do it, we know that you wouldn’t like us to do the same. This is why we do instant payout of Bitcoin and other cryptos. You don’t need to turn it on as an extra option: it’s set by default.

Bitcoin instant payout step by step

When your customers visit your online store, they see items and invoices that present the info about the address to which the payment should go (your Bitcoin payout address or other crypto address), the sum, and the currency. When customers want to pay you, they go to their crypto wallet, enter your address, and send you the money. The payment gets registered in our system and goes right into your wallet. We only watch it go by — and take a little fee of 0.5% or less.The only exception to this sequence is if the customer pays you in, say, Ethereum, but you prefer Bitcoin as a payout method. In this case, we will swap the crypto first, and then will send it to you.

Perks of the instant payout payment gateway

It’s secure.

The more steps the crypto payout takes to get from point A to point B, the more vulnerable it gets. If we did no instant payouts and kept your crypto in your NOWPayments account, we would have made everything secure. Yet still, no one is 100% immune to hacking. However, we are now — because we just don’t store any crypto that could be stolen. Thus, your crypto payout balance is protected.

It feels safer.

You don’t have to worry that before you do some specific action, your crypto will be stored elsewhere not on your crypto wallet.

It’s faster.

The speed of the transaction is only limited to a blockchain’s capacity. Again, the crypto goes from point A to point B without any extra stops.Wait a minute, what is this whole list about? Your money goes to you from your customer, and not anywhere else. What other perks are we talking about here? :)

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