Elevate Business with NOWPayments: Welcome New Features!

In the fast-evolving world of digital payments, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. At NOWPayments, we are dedicated to providing cutting-edge solutions that empower businesses to thrive in the crypto economy. We are thrilled to announce a suite of new features designed to make accepting crypto payments easier and more profitable than ever before. Whether you’re a seasoned crypto enthusiast or just starting to explore the benefits of digital currencies, NOWPayments has something to offer!

Expanded Asset Support: More Tokens, More Opportunities

We’ve significantly broadened our list of supported cryptocurrencies, adding several exciting new assets including USDT TON, USDC BASE, BRETT, PONKE, NOT, and many others. This expansion provides your customers with more payment options, allowing you to tap into a wider audience and boost your profits.

If you have specific tokens or networks you’d like to see supported, don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always open to new additions based on your requests!

NOWPayments User-Friendly Interface: Streamlined for Your Convenience

Our team has revamped the user interface to enhance your experience. The modernized design is intuitive and easy to navigate, enabling you to effortlessly track payments and manage your funds. This streamlined approach ensures that you can focus on your business while we handle the complexities of crypto payments.

New Fiat-to-Crypto Opportunities: Seamless On-Ramp Solutions

We understand that integrating fiat payments can be challenging, especially for high-risk businesses. That’s why we’ve partnered with a new on-ramp provider to offer seamless fiat-to-crypto conversions. This allows your users to pay with traditional fiat currencies while you receive payments in crypto (and vice versa), maximizing your earning potential and simplifying the payment process.

You can find an off-ramp payouts history in the “Custody” section.

Technical Enhancements: Efficiency at Its Best

Our latest updates include a range of technical improvements designed to make payment processing smoother and more efficient. You can now easily handle payments sent in the wrong asset or network, process multiple deposits related to a single payment, speed up crypto payouts, and much more. These enhancements ensure that your transactions are processed quickly and accurately, reducing the chances of errors and delays.

Why Choose NOWPayments?

Adopting crypto payments with NOWPayments offers numerous advantages:

  • Diverse Payment Options: Cater to a global audience with a wide range of supported cryptocurrencies.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Manage your payments with ease using our intuitive dashboard.
  • Fiat-to-Crypto Solutions: Seamlessly convert fiat payments to crypto, even for high-risk businesses.
  • Technical Excellence: Enjoy faster, more efficient payment processing with our latest enhancements.
  • Best Fees: One of the standout features of NOWPayments is our highly competitive commission rate, starting at just 0.5% per transaction. This low fee structure allows you to maximize your profits and reinvest in your business.

Incorporating crypto payments into your business model has never been easier or more advantageous. With NOWPayments, you can offer your customers flexible payment options, streamline your operations, and ultimately drive more revenue. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be part of the crypto revolution. Start accepting crypto payments with NOWPayments today and take your business to new heights.

Learn more:

  1. Crypto Payments for E-commerce
  2. Crypto in Online Gambling
  3. Integrate Crypto Payments for Marketplaces
  4. Best Crypto for Adult Businesses
  5. What are Travel Tokens?
  6. How to Accept Donations in Crypto?
  7. Crypto Payment Solutions for Trading Platforms