NOWPayments is happy to announce: our crypto-to-fiat solution has become even more convenient!
Now, you can request this option in just several easy steps!
How to convert Crypto to Fiat?
- Log into your account
- Find the Crypto-to-Fiat section below
- Click it
- Fill out the form (the link will be visible there)
- Wait 2 business days and voila!
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] and we’ll do everything we can to make this the best way to convert crypto to fiat.

More information on fiat conversion pricing can be found here. Check out our crypto-to-crypto pricing here.
Fiat conversion – What is it?
If you are a business owner who has not yet embraced crypto payments, and your customers would like to pay you in crypto, there is a way for you to cater to your clients’ needs without going full-on crypto.
You can start exploring this innovative and exciting field which attracts more and more merchants and clients, especially after all the big developments that just keep coming, such as PayPal crypto news or Spotify looking into the crypto option. And you can do so using fiat.
NOWPayments has come up with a creative solution for this situation, adding fiat to the crypto equation and allowing merchants to make use of the crypto payments advantages, while not missing out on traditional payment methods.