Ravencoin Use Cases: AMA with Tron Black

The time is NOW, and the place is Braveland. The NOWPayments team is happy to have met with Tron Black to talk about all the various Ravencoin use cases, such as payments, donations, payouts etc.

In crypto, community always comes first. Without the community, there can be no movement, no development, and that is why it is important to always keep in touch and hear each other out, to see where we can grow and what we should focus on while developing.

Ravencoin Payments

One of the topics discussed was Ravencoin payments. Having discussed who among those present and where has spent their RVN, we moved on to the issue at hand: what needs to be developed to make RVN and crypto payments, in general, more seamless and accessible? The answer was threefold:

  • more payment plugins (like Squarespace and others)
  • a simple payment button
  • a fully RVN-to-RVN solution with no fiat mention anywhere (in pricing either)

Ravencoin Donations

A great use case for Ravencoin – crypto donations, which are for example made to contribute to the development of the Ravencoin Foundation. Here, you can see some of the donations made to support the cause.

Ravencoin Payouts

Tron spoke about sending payments in Ravencoin for the work done and also elaborated on the tax situation in America, which, in this case, can be managed quite easily and once a year.