5 ways to boost your business using Verge

Nowadays, businesses that want to diversify their payment methods are looking beyond the traditional payment systems such as Skill and PayPal. It is evident that modern consumers are adopting unconventional ways of storing value, such as cryptocurrencies, and businesses need to adapt to consumer demand. The Verge blockchain is a network designed specifically for day-to-day use. Thus, by integrating the Verge cryptocurrency as a payment option, companies can deliver a better customer experience. NOWPayments provides tools for deploying an XVG payment gateway to enterprises of all sizes.

Key Points:

5 ways to boost your business using Verge
  • XVG payments let companies improve efficiency and reduce costs.
  • The Verge blockchain is anonymous and resistant to chargeback fraud.
  • NOWPayments allows companies to accept XVG as payment.

Improve operational efficiency

Improve operational efficiency

The core target of every business is delivering services in a fast manner without compromising on quality. Yet, quite often, the ability of the company to act in an efficient manner depends on third parties. When it comes to payments, businesses often struggle with the speed of money transfers which is in the purview of banks. Essentially, banks frequently slow down the payment procedure because they fail to process money transfers quickly. As a result, several hours or even days may pass between the customer’s payment and the company’s reception of the funds. Verge solves this problem by bringing the waiting time to several seconds. All XVG transactions take no more than 10 seconds meaning that businesses can significantly improve their operational efficiency by accepting the Verge coin.

Eradicate chargeback fraud

Eradicate chargeback fraud

If you have been running your business for long enough, the chances are you have come across chargeback fraud. Some companies lose thousands of dollars due to such illegal activities. At the same time, banks are also partially to blame for the existence of chargeback fraud. The procedure of chargeback itself is impossible without the assistance of banks. Yet, if you decide to feature XVG payments, you can forget about chargeback fraud forever. Every transaction on the Verge blockchain is irreversible. So, there is no process or authority which can revoke the transaction and return the funds back to the sender.

Drive down costs

Drive down costs

Bank fees are the biggest elephant in the room for businesses. Everyone is aware of it but tries to ignore it. After all, there are not many businesses can do to influence the rate of fees in their banks. Fees eat into the profits of companies and accumulate into a handsome sum by the end of every year. Deploying an XVG payment gateway is a guaranteed way to reduce fee expenses for every business. The XVG transaction fee is set at 0.1 XVG, which is less than $0.0001. Such a fee sum will mean only one thing for the business: a staggering decrease in the annual fee expenses.

Offer an anonymous payment method

Offer an anonymous payment method

Blockchain technology is anonymous and permissionless. In other words, the crypto addresses of users are not associated with their names or any other identity detail. Blockchains can be used privately, and they do not require any registration. Verge takes this feature one step forward. Verge users enjoy IP obfuscation, a technology that eradicates any possibility of determining the network users through surveillance. Moreover, users can employ Dual-Key Stealth Addressing to increase the level of obfuscation. Businesses can make their clients happy by providing them with such an anonymous way of paying for products and services. Some consumers always strive to keep extra privacy when shopping online, so why not give it to them.

Increase your brand outreach

Increase your brand outreach

XVG is owned by tens of thousands of people around the world. Thousands of them make XVG transactions every day or at least once a week. Businesses can capitalize on the situation and provide these people with a chance to pay for products and services using their favorite coin. Verge holders will be more than happy to see their new coin get a new use case, while businesses featuring XVG payments will potentially get hundreds or even thousands of new clients who are members of the Verge community. Accepting XVG also can attract crypto enthusiasts from other communities.


Featuring XVG payments enables companies to reduce their expenses and improve operational efficiency. Additionally, an XVG payment gateway allows businesses to offer an anonymous payment method which is chargeback-proof. Begin accepting XVG with NOWPayments’ solutions.