The Evolution of Web2 and Web3: Accepting ZIL Payments and Streamlining Workflows with NOWPayments’ Subscriptions API for Zilliqa

The digital landscape has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, with the emergence of web3 technologies promising a decentralized and secure internet experience. While web2, the current version of the internet dominated by companies that monetize personal data, has its limitations, web3, powered by blockchain technology, offers a new paradigm of possibilities. One such blockchain platform leading the charge is Zilliqa, known for its high-throughput capabilities and native cryptocurrency, ZIL. In this article, we will explore the evolution of web2 and web3, the benefits of accepting ZIL payments, and how NOWPayments’ Subscriptions API for Zilliqa can streamline workflows for businesses.

The Rise of Web2: Centralization and Data Monetization

Web2, often referred to as the “traditional” internet, has shaped the digital landscape as we know it today. It is characterized by centralized platforms and services that rely on user data to generate revenue. Companies like Facebook, Google, and Amazon have built empires by offering free services in exchange for personal data, which they monetize through targeted advertising and other means. While web2 has brought convenience and connectivity to billions of people, it has also raised concerns about privacy, data security, and the concentration of power in the hands of a few tech giants.

Introducing Web3: Decentralization and Empowerment

Introducing Web3: Decentralization and Empowerment
Image Source: LeewayHertz

Web3, on the other hand, represents the next evolution of the internet, driven by blockchain technology and decentralized applications (dApps). Unlike web2, web3 aims to give individuals control over their data and enable peer-to-peer interactions without intermediaries. Zilliqa, a high-throughput blockchain platform, is at the forefront of this movement, offering a scalable and secure infrastructure for web3 applications. By accepting ZIL payments, businesses can embrace the principles of web3 and contribute to the decentralized ecosystem.

The Benefits of Accepting ZIL Payments

1. Decentralization and Security

Decentralization and Security of Zilliqa

Accepting ZIL payments allows businesses to align with the decentralized nature of the Zilliqa blockchain. Transactions on the Zilliqa network are validated by a network of independent nodes, ensuring security, transparency, and protection against fraud. By embracing ZIL payments, businesses can offer their customers a secure and decentralized payment option, building trust and loyalty in the process.

2. Low Transaction Fees

One of the major advantages of ZIL payments is the significantly lower transaction fees compared to traditional payment methods. Zilliqa’s high-throughput capabilities enable fast and cost-effective transactions, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to reduce operational costs and provide value to their customers.

3. Fast and Efficient Transactions

Speed and efficiency are crucial in the world of e-commerce, and ZIL payments excel in both aspects. With Zilliqa’s high throughput, transactions can be processed quickly, allowing businesses to provide seamless payment experiences for their customers. The fast transaction times also contribute to improved cash flow and enhanced customer satisfaction.

4. Enhanced Customer Experience

Accepting ZIL payments can significantly enhance the overall customer experience. Customers who hold ZIL tokens can seamlessly complete their purchases without the need for traditional payment methods. This frictionless payment process streamlines the checkout process, reducing cart abandonment and increasing conversion rates. Additionally, by embracing web3 principles, businesses can attract customers who value privacy, security, and decentralization.

5. Access to the Zilliqa Ecosystem

Access to the Zilliqa Ecosystem
Image Source:

By accepting ZIL payments, businesses gain access to the growing Zilliqa ecosystem. Zilliqa has been attracting developers, businesses, and individuals who recognize the potential of this innovative technology. By integrating ZIL payments, businesses can tap into this expanding user base, potentially attracting new customers and driving growth.

Streamlining Workflows with NOWPayments’ Subscriptions API for Zilliqa

To facilitate the adoption of ZIL payments, NOWPayments offers a comprehensive solution that streamlines the payment process. NOWPayments’ Subscriptions API, with its advanced features, empowers businesses to assign payments to customers on a regular basis. This feature involves creating a plan for payments and individual recurring payments for each user. With NOWPayments’ Subscriptions API for Zilliqa, businesses can automate payment workflows, saving time and resources.

Creating a Recurring Payment Plan

Creating a Recurring Payment Plan

To create a recurring payment plan, businesses can utilize the NOWPayments’ Subscriptions API. This API method generates a unique identifier for each plan, allowing businesses to manage and track their payment plans efficiently. Businesses can set the frequency, duration, and payment amount for each plan, providing flexibility to cater to different customer needs.

Managing Individual Recurring Payments

Managing Individual Recurring Payments

Once the payment plan is in place, businesses can manage individual recurring payments using NOWPayments’ Subscriptions API. The API provides methods to view the entire list of recurring payments, filter them based on payment status or plan ID, and obtain relevant information about each payment. Businesses can also modify or cancel recurring payments if necessary, giving them full control over their payment workflows.

Enhancing the Customer Experience

NOWPayments’ Subscriptions API not only streamlines workflows for businesses but also enhances the customer experience. By automating payment processes, businesses can provide a seamless and hassle-free subscription experience for their customers. Payment reminders and notifications can be sent automatically, reducing the risk of missed payments and ensuring a smooth customer journey.

Industries Benefiting from ZIL Subscriptions

ZIL subscriptions have the potential to revolutionize various industries. Let’s explore some sectors that can benefit from integrating ZIL payments and leveraging NOWPayments’ Subscriptions API:

1. Content Platforms

Content Platforms benefit from ZIL

Content creators, such as bloggers, podcasters, and YouTubers, can leverage ZIL subscriptions to monetize their content. By offering exclusive access or bonus content to subscribers, content creators can generate a recurring revenue stream. NOWPayments’ Subscriptions API simplifies the payment process, allowing creators to focus on producing high-quality content.

2. Membership-Based Services

Businesses offering membership-based services, such as gyms, online courses, and software platforms, can utilize ZIL subscriptions to manage recurring payments. By integrating ZIL payments and leveraging NOWPayments’ Subscriptions API, businesses can automate the billing process, ensuring a seamless experience for their members.

Membership-Based Services and Zilliqa

3. Subscription Boxes

Subscription box services, which deliver curated products on a recurring basis, can benefit from ZIL subscriptions. By accepting ZIL payments and leveraging NOWPayments’ Subscriptions API, subscription box businesses can streamline their billing processes, manage inventory, and provide a convenient payment option for their customers.

4. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Providers

SaaS providers can leverage ZIL subscriptions to simplify their billing processes and offer flexible pricing options. By integrating ZIL payments and utilizing NOWPayments’ Subscriptions API, SaaS providers can automate subscription management, reduce churn, and provide a seamless payment experience for their customers.

5. Non-Profit Organizations

Non-profit organizations can utilize ZIL subscriptions to manage recurring donations from supporters. By accepting ZIL payments and leveraging NOWPayments’ Subscriptions API, non-profits can automate the donation process, ensuring regular contributions from their supporters and maximizing their impact.


As the world moves towards a more decentralized internet, accepting ZIL payments can position businesses at the forefront of this transformative shift. Zilliqa’s high-throughput capabilities, coupled with the benefits of web3, offer a compelling payment option for businesses and customers alike. With NOWPayments’ Subscriptions API for Zilliqa, businesses can streamline their workflows, automate payment processes, and enhance the customer experience. By embracing ZIL payments and NOWPayments’ Subscriptions API, businesses can contribute to the growth of the Zilliqa ecosystem and unlock new opportunities in the digital age. Embrace the future of web3 by accepting ZIL payments with NOWPayments today.