From Concept to Reality: Your Guide to Accepting HBAR Payments with Hedera’s Tools and API

In recent years, the adoption of blockchain technology has opened up new opportunities for businesses and individuals to securely and efficiently transfer value without intermediaries. Hedera Hashgraph, with its fast and secure network, is quickly becoming a preferred choice for developers to build decentralized applications and offer innovative payment solutions. NOWPayments, a leading cryptocurrency payment gateway, has recognized the potential of Hedera Hashgraph and its native token, HBAR, to transform the payment landscape. This article serves as a comprehensive guide to help businesses and developers integrate HBAR payments into their platforms using Hedera’s tools and APIs. Whether you’re a startup or an established enterprise, this guide will walk you through the process of accepting HBAR payments, from setting up a Hedera account to testing and implementing HBAR payments in your system. By the end of this guide, you will have a clear understanding of how to leverage Hedera’s cutting-edge technology to offer fast and secure payments to your customers.

Introduction to HBAR and Hedera Hashgraph

Introduction to HBAR and Hedera Hashgraph

HBAR is a cryptocurrency that is built on the Hedera Hashgraph platform. Hedera Hashgraph is a distributed ledger technology that provides fast and secure transactions with a low transaction fee. The platform is designed to be scalable and can handle thousands of transactions per second. Hedera Hashgraph uses a consensus algorithm that is based on gossip protocol, which ensures that transactions are validated quickly and efficiently.

Building on Hedera Hashgraph

Building on Hedera Hashgraph provides developers with a fast, secure, and transparent platform to create decentralized applications (dApps) that can scale to meet the demands of global users. Hedera Hashgraph’s unique consensus algorithm, the hashgraph, provides high throughput, low latency, and fair ordering of transactions. To develop on Hedera Hashgraph, developers can use the Hedera SDKs, which support multiple programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, and Python. Additionally, the Hedera SDKs provide easy integration with the Hedera Consensus Service (HCS), which enables developers to create dApps that can interact with other systems and networks through HCS messages. To get started building on Hedera Hashgraph, developers can refer to the comprehensive documentation available on the Hedera website, including tutorials, sample code, and API reference materials. Furthermore, Hedera provides community support through their Discord and Telegram channels, and developer-focused events such as hackathons and webinars, to help developers learn and innovate with Hedera Hashgraph.

NOWPayments API Overview for HBAR

NOWPayments is a cryptocurrency payment gateway that supports HBAR payments. The platform provides a simple and secure way for businesses to accept HBAR payments without having to worry about the technical aspects of cryptocurrency. NOWPayments provides an API that can be used to integrate HBAR payments into any website or application.

Testing NOWPayments API in Sandbox

Before integrating NOWPayments API with Hedera Hashgraph, developers can test the API in the sandbox environment. The sandbox environment is a testing environment that allows developers to test the API without using real funds. Developers can use the sandbox environment to test their integration and ensure that everything is working correctly before going live.

Integrating NOWPayments API with Hedera Hashgraph

To integrate NOWPayments API with Hedera Hashgraph, developers can follow the integration guide provided by NOWPayments. The integration guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to integrate the API with Hedera Hashgraph. Developers will need to create an account with NOWPayments and generate an API key to use the API.

HBAR Payment API

HBAR Payment API is a solution provided by NOWPayments that allows businesses to accept HBAR payments. The API provides a simple way for businesses to accept HBAR payments without having to worry about the technical aspects of cryptocurrency. The API is designed to be easy to use, with comprehensive documentation and support.

Understanding HBAR Payment API

Understanding HBAR Payment API
Example request for creating payment in HBAR

NOWPayments provides an API that allows users to create payment links and white-label payments for their clients. For HBAR payments, there are several methods available, such as creating an invoice or a payment. To create a payment link, you can send a request with data in JSON-object payload format, including parameters like the fiat currency in which the price is specified, the crypto or fiat currency in which the pay amount is specified, and the order ID and description. You can also set a callback URL to receive notifications when the payment is completed or failed, and choose whether the fees are paid by the user or the provider.

Additionally, NOWPayments provides detailed information on payment status and other parameters to ensure that businesses can keep track of their transactions and easily reconcile their accounts.

The Payments API for HBAR also supports a range of optional parameters, such as limiting the number of records returned or filtering payments by certain invoice IDs. This flexibility allows businesses to customize their payment integration to suit their specific needs. By using NOWPayments’ Payments API for HBAR, businesses can easily accept payments in HBAR and integrate cryptocurrency payments into their existing payment flow.

Sandbox Testing for HBAR Payments

Sandbox Testing for HBAR Payments
Example Response when creating payment in HBAR

The NOWPayments Payments API for HBAR can also be tested within Sandbox, a virtual testing environment that allows users to evaluate the API without any financial obligations. This allows users to evaluate the platform’s features, test the integration process, and ensure that the payment process meets their requirements before going live.

HBAR Mass Payouts API

HBAR Mass Payouts API is a solution provided by NOWPayments that allows businesses to make mass payouts in HBAR. The API provides a simple way for businesses to make mass payouts without having to worry about the technical aspects of cryptocurrency. The API is designed to be easy to use, with comprehensive documentation and support.

Understanding HBAR Mass Payouts API

Understanding HBAR Mass Payouts API
Example Request when Creating a Payout

NOWPayments offers a fast and secure way to make payouts through its Mass Payouts API for HBAR. This set of methods enables one to make payouts to an unlimited number of wallets from their custody. To request payouts using the API, one has to follow the recommended payout requesting flow, which involves checking if the payout address is valid using the POST Validate address endpoint. If the address is valid, the user can create a withdrawal using the POST Create payout endpoint, and verify the payout with 2fa using the POST Verify payout endpoint.

It is important to note that the API allows for the automation of 2fa by implementing the OTP generation library in one’s code and setting it up in their dashboard. The secret key has to be saved and set up in the preferred 2FA application. Additionally, payouts can only be requested using a whitelisted IP address and to whitelisted wallet addresses for security reasons.

Sandbox Testing for HBAR Payouts

Sandbox Testing for HBAR Payouts

To test the Mass Payouts API, NOWPayments offers a Sandbox that provides a testing environment to enable users to test out the functionality of the API without risking any actual funds. The Sandbox allows one to interact with the API in a simulated environment and verify that the functionalities work as expected.

To access the Sandbox, one needs to create a NOWPayments account, obtain an API key, and switch to the Sandbox mode on their dashboard. With the Sandbox mode, one can test the API’s different endpoints such as getting a list of payouts, validating an address, creating a payout, and verifying a payout.

Extended Custody API for HBAR by NOWPayments

Custody API by NOWPayments is a comprehensive solution for creating deposit accounts for users, enabling a full-fledged crypto billing process. With this API, you can easily create a user account, generate a payment or deposit, and withdraw funds from the account. The funds are transferred from the user’s account to your account when a new payment is generated, or a paid period is ending. The amount depends on the plan chosen by the customer, and if a particular currency is specified that the customer should pay in and their account has enough funds stored, the amount will be charged automatically. In case a customer has another currency in their account, the equivalent sum will be charged.

Extended Custody API for HBAR by NOWPayments
Example request for creating transfers between users’ accounts.

There are different methods such as creating new user accounts, creating recurring payments, getting user balance, getting users, getting all transfers, getting transfer, deposit with payment, and deposit from your master account. All of these methods have different parameters and statuses available to allow for different test scenarios. For example, you can test the Deposit with payment method to top up a user’s account with a general payment or the Transfer method to create transfers between users’ accounts. The Custody API by NOWPayments provides a reliable solution for managing crypto transactions and allows for thorough testing before going live

Sandbox Testing for HBAR Billing and Deposits

Sandbox Testing for HBAR Billing and Deposits
Example response when creating transfers between users’ accounts.

Testing the Custody API for HBAR in Sandbox is a critical step for developers who want to ensure the functionality and reliability of their applications. By testing in the Sandbox environment, developers can simulate real-world scenarios without risking any actual funds. To get started, developers will need to create a Sandbox account, generate an API key, and obtain testnet HBAR from the Hedera Testnet Faucet. With these in hand, developers can then use the Custody API to create new accounts, transfer HBAR, and execute other actions. Through careful testing and iteration, developers can ensure that their applications are fully compatible with the Custody API and ready for deployment in the live environment.

Developers’ Perspective on HBAR and NOWPayments’ API Solutions

Developers who have worked with HBAR and NOWPayments’ API solutions have praised the platforms for their ease of use and comprehensive documentation. Developers have found that the platforms provide a simple and secure way for businesses to accept HBAR payments. The platforms have also been praised for their scalability and flexibility, which allows developers to create custom solutions for their businesses.


Accepting HBAR payments can be a challenge for businesses, but with the right tools and API solutions, it can be a seamless process. Hedera Hashgraph and NOWPayments provide developers with the tools and API to build applications that can accept and process HBAR payments without having to worry about the technical aspects of cryptocurrency. Developers who have worked with HBAR and NOWPayments’ API solutions have praised the platforms for their ease of use and comprehensive documentation. If you’re looking to accept HBAR payments, consider using Hedera Hashgraph and NOWPayments’ API solutions.